22-2 Assessing Erlangen (ePub)
22-2 Assessing Erlangen (ePub)
Eastertide 2013: Volume 22, Number 2
ePub version
Paul Althaus: A Representative of the Erlangen School
Reinhard Slenczka
Heilsgeschichte and Atonement in the Theology of J.C.K. von HofmannL An Exposition and Critique
Jack Kilcrease
The "Third Use of the Law" and Werner Elert's Position
Lowell Green
The Third Use Revisited
Scott R. Murray
Franz Delitzsch and the Psalms
Jacob Corzine
Sermon for Rogate Sunday on James 1:22-27
Werner Elert, Translated by Adam Koontz
Sermon for the Feast of the Ascension on Mark 16:14-20
Werner Elert, Translated by Adam Koontz
Karlmann Beyschlag: The Last Twentieth-Century Erglangen Theologian
Armin Wenz
Review Essay: In statu confessionis III: Texte zu Union, Bekenntnis, Kirchenkampf und Okumene
By Herman Sassee. Edited by Werner Klan and Roland Ziegler. Review by Jacob Corzine
Friends of the Law: Luther's Use of the Law for the Christian Life
By Edward A. Engelbrecht. Review by Chris Hull
Wilhelm Loehe: Erbe und Vision
Edited by Dietrich Blaufub. Review by Jacob Corzine
Wilhelm Loehe and the Nineteenth-Century Revival of Lutheran Confessionalism and Mission
The Pieper Lectures, Volume 13. Edited by John A. Maxfield. Review by Mark Mattes
A Contemporary in Dissent: Johann Georg Hamann as Radical Enlightener
By Oswald Bayer, translated by Roy A. Harrisville and Mark C. Mattes. Review by Roy Axel Coats
Erlangen: An American's History of a German Town
By Gary C. Fouse. Review by John T. Pless
LOGIA Forum:
- Werner Elert On Preaching and the Liturgy
- A Look Back—Erlangen 1945
- Seminary Curriculum as Indicated by the Book of Concord
- Should Absolution Be Unconditional?
- Hermann Bezzel: The Bishop Who Dared To Be Lutheran!
- Holy Baptism's Diminishment
- The Good Employer