Propter Christum: Christ at the Center (slightly damaged)

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Propter Christum: Christ at the Center (slightly damaged)

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Propter Christum: Christ at the Center

Essays in Honor of Daniel Preus

410 pgs, hard cover

NOTE: This book is slightly damaged.

Essays included: 

Confessional Lutheranism Encounters Pentacostalism in India — Michael J. Albrecht

The Justification of the Ungodly: A Mockery of Simple Justice? — Steven C. Briel

Jesus Working on His Disciples — Jan Bygstad

Luther's Invocavit Sermons: A Distinction between Internals and Externals, between the Law and the Gospel — Albert B. Collver

Christ at the Center: Johannes Brenz and His Expositio epistolam S. Pauli ad Philippenses — Charles L. Cortright

Martin Luther on Holy Baptism: The Catechism and the Von der Heiligen Taufe Predigten (1534) — Matthew C. Harrison

Bo Giertz on Righteousness in Romans — Charles M. Henrickson

Pastor Daniel Preus: A Soldier of Truth, a Singer of Zion — Vyacheslav Horpynchuck

Witness, Mercy, Life Together — Theodore M.R. Krey

Who Are Those Witnesses Again?: Acts 1:8 in Context — Alan Ludwig

A Contemporary View of Faith and Reason in Luther — Mark C. Mattes

Christ at the Center in Luther’s Interpretation of Old Testament Prophecy and Narratives — John A. Maxfield

Having Jesus on the Mission Field: Reflections on Lutheran Missiology with Christ at the Center— Daniel F. McMiller

Christ Alone — Herbert C. Mueller

Justification and the Pastor's Daily Work — Scott R. Murray

The History of the Luther Academy — Martin R. Noland

Why Am I a Lutheran? — Martin R. Noland

Center and Periphery in the Lutheran Liturgy: Confessional Identity and Ecumenical Perspective — Darius Petkunas

Christ at the Center: Confessional and Pastoral Christocentricity — Jose A. Pfafenzoeller

The Ordination of Women in Global Perspective — John T. Pless

PREFACE: Daniel Preus: Protecting and Promoting the Lutheran Ethos — Klemet I. Preus

Sheep and Trampled Pearls: Gospel Relief for the Suicidal and the Suicided — Peter E. Preus

Theological Education in International Mission — Timothy C.J. Quill

The Holy Spirit in Christ: Pneumatological Christology as a Ground for a Christ-Centered Pneumatology — Leopoldo A. Sanchez

Cultural and Theological Readjustments and the Survival of Lutheranism — David P. Scaer

Matters of Life and Death: An Attempt at Confessional Contextualization — Wilhelm Weber

The Election by Grace Doctrinal Controversy and Justification — John C. Wohlrabe

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