25-1 Reading John's Gospel
25-1 Reading John's Gospel
Epiphany 2016: Volume 25, Number 1
PRINT version
Preface to Reading John's Gospel
Dennis Marzolf
John 6 and Historic Lutheranism
Armand J. Boehme
More than Metaphor
Patrick James Bayens
Educational Horizons in Wilhelm Lohe: Pointing to Holy Communion as an Introduction to Living Justification
Wolfhart Schlicting, Translated by Wolf Dietrich Knappe
JDDJ and Its Official Discussion in the Finnish Lutheran Church: A Clarification or an Obscuration?
Simo Kiviranta and Timo Laato
Review Essay: "You Have the Words of Eternal Life": Transformative Readings of the Gospel of John from a Lutheran Perspective
Edited by Kenneth Mtata. Review by Jack Kilcrease
Review Essay: 1-3 John
Concordia Commentary. By Bruce G. Schuchard. Review by Aaron Hambleton
Review: Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible Through Palestinian Eyes
By Mitri Raheb. Review by Timothy Koch
Review: Rudolf Bultmann: A Biography
By Konrad Hammann. Review by Adam Koontz
Review: Gratia in Augustine's Sermones ad Populum during the Pelagian Controversy: Do Different Contexts Furnish Different Insights?
By Anthony Dupont. Review by Edward A. Naumann
Review: The Self-Donation of God: A Contemporary Lutheran Approach to Christ and His Benefits
By Jack Kilcrease. Review by Donavon Riley
- Good Theology/Bad Theology
- Holy Marriage: The New Normal According to God's Word
- John 20 and the Divine Mandate for Absolution
- The Lesson of Tullian's Sin
- A Red Biretta in the Offing for Al Gore?
- Of Angels and Pastors
- John 6: The Sacraments Are What Evangelicals Are Looking For!