Hymn Summary: Easter 2

O Sons and Daughters of the King (LSB 470/471)

Easter 2 (1 and 3 year)

The hymn tells the story of Jesus’ resurrection appearances. In nine verses the accounts of the first week of the resurrection unfold. The many individuals who were overcome with immense sorrow encounter the preaching of the word and with it Christ and his resurrection. It indicates such a joyous turn of events by wrapping its verses throughout in joyful Alleluias.

The words paraphrase John 20. When we sing this hymn, we participate with St. John and the holy angels in the preaching of Christ’s resurrection to the world. Both singer and hearer go with the women early in the morning to the tomb, hide behind locked doors with the disciples, encounter Jesus and his wounds with Thomas, all the while seeing sorrow, fear, and unbelief shattered by Christ and the proclamation that today the grave has lost its sting! Alleluia!

The Resurrection grants and strengthens faith to a fear-filled world, and so the work of this hymn both restorative to the fallen and missional to the unbelieving. It culminates in verse eight before ending with a high doxology in verse nine. “How blest are they who have not seen and yet whose faith has constant been, For they eternal life will win. Alleluia!”

Rev. Adrian N. Sherrill serves Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado.