When in the Hour of Deepest Need – LSB 615
Hymn of day for Lent 2 (1 year); ALSO Proper 5 (C) and Proper 15 (A)
A reading of the Psalms reveals to the saints that they will suffer in this life. Often believers think they are in trials all by themselves. This is not so for the Lord hears and attends the prayers of the faithful (Psalm 102:1–2; 25:15–22). That our God hears our complaints is a great comfort in all distress (Micah 7:7). As he has promised, so does he hear. Not only does he hear our complaints about the troubles of the body and soul, but he also intercedes to the Father and mediates on our behalf (1 Timothy 2:5). His blood covers our sins, especially those sins of which the accuser, Satan, is wont to remind us (Hebrews 12:24). His promise of forgiveness stands forever. The prayer of the forgiven sinner is that the Lord would continue to guide us by his Word. Praise to the Lord, now and forever.
Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart – LSB 708
Lent 2 (3 year lectionary); ALSO Proper 21C and Trinity 19 (1 year lectionary)
Martin Schalling’s only known hymn is a wonderful masterpiece! Whom can Christians trust? He who first loved them and shed his blood for them. Apart from that ransom Christians have nothing. Thus, Christians desire to be where he is. He is found in the Church where his word is preached aright and his Holy Sacraments rightly administered. Without such gifts, even heaven would not suffice. The second stanza (especially the second half) is built upon the petition, “Deliver us from evil.” Through all trials Christians know that not only have they been delivered from the evil by Holy Baptism, but he also guards and protects his own, and will deliver them from this vale of tears through the grave and into heaven. The final stanza is often used by itself at funerals because it confesses the truth that though the body sleeps in a narrow chamber, yet the perfected soul at death has already departed to heaven (called Abraham’s bosom; Luke 16:22). At Christ’s second coming, all bodies will be raised. The perfected bodies of the saints will be reunited with the perfected soul to live evermore with Christ in heaven. Thus, Christians do, and will, praise Jesus Christ without end.
Rev. Thomas E. Lock serves as Kantor/Assistant Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado.