Christology and Feminism
A Reply to Leonard Klein
Commemoration Sermon for Robert Preus
Confirmation As a Sacramental Rite
Bible Passages & Principles
Eucharistic Themes in the Gospels
The Integrity of the Christological Character of the Office of the Ministry
Formula of Concord X
In Memoriam Robert Preus
The Law and the Gospel in Lutheran Theology
The Lutheran Confessions on the Holy Ministry With a Few Thoughts on Hoefling
A Second Look at Promise Keepers
A View from the Pew
The Advantages of Liturgical Ruts
Categorically Speaking
Communion Closed and Full
The Computer as Liturgical Meat Grinder
Ecumenical Council for Practical Christianity
Holy Baptism’s Diminishment
Is Nothing Sacred?
Missouri: Not Just a State
The Holiness Quest
Lutheran Hermeneutics
Lutheranism as Catholic and Evangelical
Missouri at the End of the Century
Missouri’s Identity Crisis
The Ordination of Women Pastors
Rast, Vehse, Walther
Review: Baptism: My Adoption into God’s Family
Review: Baptism: Three Views
Review: Church-Mission-Ministry: The Family of God
Review: Law, Life, and the Living God
Review: Ministry in the New Testament
Review: Problems and Options on the Atonement
Review: Problems with the Atonement
Review: Reformed Confessions
Review: The New Book of Concord
Review: Changing Churches
Semper Virgo: A Doctrine
The Distinctive Spirituality of the Evangelical Lutheran Church